Dura Dental


Cleaning and Prevention

Dentistry is founded on the principle of prevention. All patients are recommended biannual cleanings and examinations. Fluoride treatment and polish keep your smile bright and healthy.

Pediatric Dentistry

A child’s first visit to the dentist should be fun! By using pleasant and simple words to describe each treatment, we are able to help your child feel comfortable while focusing on prevention from an early age.

Crowns, Bridges, and Veneers

If you have a damaged or decayed tooth, we can help you choose the best solution.


Dentures are prosthetic devices that replace missing teeth. They are supported by the surrounding soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity. Typical dentures are removable.


We make every effort to preserve your natural teeth. However, extractions are necessary when decay has made the tooth unsalvageable or when you have an advanced periodontal disease.


Used to prevent the spread of tooth decay or correct any cosmetic damage, a filling is one of the ways to preserve your health.


A dental implant mimics the form and function of a natural tooth, which consists of a root and a crown. The crown is the visible part of your tooth. It is used to chew food and is therefore the most susceptible to cavities.

Invisible Alignment

There are various ways to correct crooked or crowded teeth without the use of traditional braces. Dr. Sachdev is both Invisalign and ClearCorrect certified.

Night and Snore Guards

Excessive jaw clenching and bruxism (grinding) can accelerate tooth and jaw deterioration. Meanwhile, snoring can impact the quality of your own sleep and that of those around you. A night or snore guard can help prevent these problems.

Periodontal Maintenance

Among the causes for periodontal (gum) disease are genetic susceptibility, smoking, and other illnesses like diabetes. Periodontal maintenance involves removing plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line.


Professional teeth whitening is faster, more effective, and longer lasting than over the counter treatments. We offer Zoom!

Endodontic Therapy

A root canal is the space within the root of a tooth. When infection spreads deep, the pulp must be cleaned out and then the space must be disinfected and then filled.

Dental Emergency

Dental Emergencies can happen at any time. We are here to help! If you have dental related pain, a chipped tooth, an infection, or any kind of unexpected dental emergency, please call 703-658-0550. In case of life threatening emergency, please call 911.